Joseph Harrington
Joe Harrington is the Patrick T. Harker Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at Wharton, and Professor of Norwegian School of Economics and Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE)
He has has published more than 75 articles and his research has appeared in many leading journals including the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, Management Science, and American Journal of Sociology. His current research focuses on collusion and cartels, with the objectives of understanding observed collusive practices, developing observable markers of collusion, and designing competition policy to detect and deter collusion. His research is on the interface of theory and practice and has been presented before competition authorities throughout the world including those of Chile, European Union, Japan, South Africa, and the U.S. He has also published two textbooks: Economics of Regulation and Antitrust (4th edition, MIT Press) with Kip Viscusi and John Vernon, and Games, Strategies, and Decision Making (2nd edition, Worth Publishers).
Professor Harrington has given many keynote addresses on the topic of collusion and cartels including the Bayard Wickliffe Heath Memorial Lecture at the U. of Florida Levin College of Law, the Conference Policy Lecture at the European Conference in Competition & Regulation, and plenary talks at the annual meetings of the European Association for Industrial Economists (EARIE), Chile Economics Association, and the German Economics Association.
He has performed extensive service on editorial boards in the field of industrial organization including co-editor at the RAND Journal of Economics and the International Journal of Industrial Organization and is currently associate editor at Economics Letters, the Journal of Industrial Economics, and the Review of Industrial Organization. Previously President of the Industrial Organization Society (IOS), he is a member of the IOS Board of Directors and the Scientific Committee of the Competition and Regulation European Summer School and Conference.