Michele Carpagnano
Michele Carpagnano is a Professor University of Trento, Faculty of Law. Founder and Co-director of the independent research institute “Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza” (Competition Law Enforcement Observatory). Founder and Co-director of the Trento Summer School on Advanced EU Competition Law & Economics.
He is a partner in Dentons’ Rome office and the head of the Italian Competition & Antitrust practice.
Michele provides national and multinational companies with legal advice and judicial assistance in all aspects of Italian, Spanish and EU Competition Law, Consumer Law, State aid Law, Public procurement and Regulatory issues.
He represents national and multinational companies as well as public institutions in administrative proceedings before the Italian Competition Authority and Administrative Courts.
He also represents clients in Competition / Consumer laws litigation – both single and class actions claims – before Italian Courts.
Michele assists clients in the design and implementation of tailored Antitrust and Consumer Law compliance programs.
He advised local, national and EU Institutions on legislative / regulatory proposals related to Competition and Consumer laws.