Parallel session
Sustainability: antitrust’s role and how to ensure joint initiatives remain compliant
Climate change has been labelled “the biggest market failure in the history of mankind”. The Panel discusses the role of a greener antitrust in promoting sustainability through cooperation initiatives between competitors, sharing some practical guidance on how to ensure that such initiatives remain compliant. The panel also, addresses the approach taken by the European Commission and certain NCAs in assessing the role of out-of-market efficiencies and in balancing these against within-market harms, focusing on the areas of potential inconsistency and the types of projects most affected by these divergences in approach. The discussion addresses the way forward, to ensure that antitrust does not act as a deterrent to industry sustainability initiatives pursuing bona fide goals.
- Emilio de Giorgi, Partner, Allen & Overy
- Dr. Susanne A. Wagner, Head of Antitrust Law, Clariant
- Jeroen Capiau, Policy Officer in DG Competition, European Commission
- Francesca Miotto, Counsel, Allen & Overy
- Cristina Volpin, Competition Policy Expert, OECD