Paolo Chiricozzi
Head of Competition and State Aid at Enel
Paolo graduated in Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, having studied also at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany).
He has a Master’s Degree in EU Laws, Politics and Economic and attended courses in Energy Management and Regulation at the London School of Economics, the SDA Bocconi (Milan) and the IESE Business School (Barcelona).
He joined Enel in 2000 covering different roles within the Group, both in Rome and Brussels. Since 2014 he is Head of Antitrust and State Aid within the Function Europe of Enel.
Paolo has managed the main competition cases of Enel Group during the last 20 years and has leaded Enel’s worldwide antitrust compliance programs (Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Russia).
He is a frequent speaker in international conferences and seminars on Energy Regulation, EU Law and Competition Law.
Since 2016 he is visiting Professor at Luiss University within the Master in Management and Technology – Major in Energy Industry.