Sangeeta Verma
Member, Competition Commission of India
Dr. Sangeeta Verma, an officer of 1981 batch of the Indian Economic Service (IES) joined as Member, Competition Commission of India on 24th December, 2018. Dr. Verma is an experienced administrator, regulator and policy maker – having served for over 37 years in the Government of India and Govt of Uttar Pradesh before joining the Commission. Her breadth of experience ranges from field postings in Uttar Pradesh to that of Principal Adviser to the Govt. of India in the Department of Consumer Affairs, where she was responsible for the administration of the Essential Commodities Act, the Consumer Protection Act and the Price Stabilisation Fund.
As Principal Adviser in the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (now DPIIT), Government of India she advised on Trade and Fiscal Policy. In other sectors such as the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and the Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power she handled diverse subjects such as policy on pricing of agricultural produce and policy on power tariffs. In the Ministry of Women & Child Development she was responsible for the administration of all special laws for women, gender budgeting and drafting of the Bill on Sexual Harassment at Workplace which has since been enacted.
On the regulatory front, Dr. Verma served as the Secretary, U.P. State Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) for five years (2002-2007) wherein she was the key point of contact for the regulatory aspects of the State’s power sector (regulations, tariffs, licenses etc.). During her term as Secretary, the UPERC, finalised the regulations for licensing of transmission, distribution and trading companies, tariff regulations for all licensees and renewable purchase power obligations for distribution licensees. She also served as Member of the Appellate Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction established under SICA for deciding on appeals against orders of the erstwhile Board for Industrial Financial Reconstruction (BIFR).
Dr.Verma holds a Doctorate (Phd.) degree in Economics (Financial Decentralisation of District Plans) from the Lucknow University, Master in Arts (MA) from the University of Reading (UK) – Dean’s list and M.A Economics from the Delhi School of Economics.