Let App guide you!
We're excited to announce the launch of LCF App!
It will support users throughout the entire duration of the festival, offering different options to enhance their experience!
The Lear Competition Festival (LCF) is a hub that brings together innovation, networking, and exciting opportunities for the antitrust community.
Experts from a variety of backgrounds will address the most topical issues of competition law and economics.
Over its four days, this international event will host cutting-edge debates on new competition tools and issues, discussions of selected international cases, and advanced academic contributions on competition law, competition economics, competition policy, and regulation.
As we are aware of the valuable synergies that can arise from this event and between participants and partners that decide to adhere to the event, LCF offers the opportunity to become a partner to organise parallel sessions focused on innovative and critical topics and/or hot cases.

Discover the Lear Competition Festival in this video report.

In addition, LCF will offer media sponsors the opportunity to become a media partner and organise special sessions dedicated, for instance, to the discussion of a recently published book or the interview of leading experts in the field of antitrust.
The festival will start with an Open Day dedicated to students, graduates, and freelancers to meet firms and international organizations and kickstart their networking activities. During this day, participants will have also the opportunity to present their personal research during the Poster Session and participate in get-together events.
LCF will host the Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA), in which young economists and lawyers are invited to present their research proposals on topics related to competition. In this way, we strongly encourage the next generation who wish to pursue a professional or academic career in the field of antitrust.
Why should you attend?
Advanced discussion of competition law and economics topics
Promoting and developing antitrust knowledge through plenary sessions on cutting-edge topics with outstanding speakers from regulatory and competition authorities, universities, legal and economic consultancies, firms, and international institutions.
Know-how sessions and hot cases discussion
Dedicated sessions to discuss tools for economic and legal analysis in antitrust and regulation, methodologies and techniques to assess public policies, and presentation of recent and highly debated antitrust cases.
LCF Talk
Interviews with internationally renowned speakers in the field of competition law and economics, presentation of books and magazines.
National Competition Authority Roundtable
Chairs and Executive members of National Competition Authorities will share their experiences and discuss the challenges they face in their respective countries.
Young Talent Competition Award
As part of Lear Competition Festival, Lear has instituted the Young Talent Competition Award (YTCA), for young economists and lawyers in the field of antitrust and regulation. The YTCA will award the best research proposal in the field of antitrust or regulation. The research will be evaluated by a scientific committee of experts.
Exhibition area & Open Day
A space where law firms, consultancies and companies can promote their business activities and increase brand awareness, and where students and young professionals with experience in antitrust can find the best job opportunities in the field.
Networking and social events
Informal events where to interact with international experts and keynote speakers to make new contacts and establish professional relations.
Past editions
You can find out about the past editions of our international conferences.