Carlo Scarpa
Professor of Economics, University of Brescia
Carlo Scarpa was born in Parma in 1961, he is professor of Economics in the University of Brescia, where he held various courses of Economics, Industrial Economics and Competition Economics.
After graduated by the Parma University, he obtained a Ph. D. by the Bologna University (thesis in International Economics) and a Ph. D. in Economics at Nuffield College, Oxford University, working on the economics of regulation with John Vickers and George Yarrow.
Back in Italy, he taught at Bologna University up to 2000 and afterwards at the University of Brescia.
In the meanwhile he also taught and carried out research activities by the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Evry, York, the Johns Hopkins, SDA Bocconi, Bocconi, the Boston College, the London Business School and l’Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris.
Former member of the scientific commettee of Confindustria’s Studies Centre and President of REF’s Energy Observatory, he has been scientific director and participant in various projects concerning privatization and energy themes financed by the EuropeanCommission.
Since May 2015 he is President of Brescia Mobilità, a company owned by the city of Brescia, dealing with local public transport.
He is one of the founders of the website lavoce.info.