Lynn Robertson
Competition Expert and Project Manager, OECD Competition Division
Lynn Robertson is a Competition Expert and project manager in the OECD Competition Division working with countries outside the OECD area. Ms. Robertson has specific responsibility for projects in Africa where she is currently managing a project on competition assessment in Botswana.
She is also responsible for relations with the MENA region, most notably the UNESCWA-UNCTAD-OECD MENA Competition Forum and related activities.
Finally, she manages the annual the OECD-IDB Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum. Before being invited to join the Competition Division, Ms. Robertson worked in the OECD Anti-Corruption Division, which is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.
Prior to joining the OECD, Ms. Robertson worked with foundations in Canada to launch new programmes and projects. She was Director of Business Programmes at the GLOBE Foundation of Canada (www.globe.ca) which promotes the business case for sustainable development and undertakes ground breaking work on climate financing.
Ms. Robertson is a founding member of the University of Toronto G7/8 G20 Research Group and continues to be active in the Group.
Ms. Robertson studied international relations, economics and development at the University of Toronto and the University of the South Pacific.